Module: amazon
Functions for the Amazon-AWS EC2, S3 REST API
set-AWS-credentials create-bucket delete-bucket list-all-buckets list-bucket put-bucket-object get-bucket-object delete-bucket-object ec2-query authorization date ec2-date url-encode url-decode
Module: brainfuck.lsp
Brainf*ck Interpreter
Module: brill-tagger
Brill part of speech (POS) tagger interface
Module: embed
Utility for embedding
embed-save embed-load
Module: expand-string.lsp
Inclusion module providing string templating using expansion.
expand-string expand-file .expand-eval .expand-map default-expand-rules
Module: getopts.lsp
Parse short and long command line options according to POSIX rules
shortopt longopt arg usage die getopts
Module: gsl.lsp
Selected functions from the GNU Scientific Library. Now part of the standard modules coming with the distributions.
Module: iconv.lsp
Yet Another Iconv Library
init unwind-protect convert encode decode
Module: libevent
Low-level newlisp bindings for libevent2.
init run stop watch unwatch watch-once set-interval clear-interval set-timer make-buffer free-buffer buffer-send
Module: lsptar.lsp
Run newLISP program(s) in a tar file.
load-tar clear-tar read-tar
Module: Nlex
newLISP source code lexer/tokenizer/parser
Module: plot.lsp
Routines for creating data plots. Now part of the standard modules coming with the distributions.
Module: winscript
Embedded VBScript/JScript in newLISP.
Initialize Uninitialize Exec Eval LastResult
Module: wordnet
Queries a local copy of Wordnet 3.0 English lexical database from
morph hypen hypev synsn synsv hypon hypov coorn coorv antsn antsv antsa query get-words
generated with newLISP and newLISPdoc